2 day diet

To properly follow the diet two days of drinking tea is the secret
Researchers at the University of Manchester in England, found the solution for those who can not follow traditional diets. They ensure that close the mouth only two days a week to eliminate up to 3 kilograms.

The method is simple: you choose two consecutive days to the diet. And the other five can eat normally. Pizza, snacks and sweets are fully released!

You want more? Control yourself during those two days also strengthens muscles and turbine cellular functions. Thus, the whole body begins to function properly, readjusting his natural weight.

7 reasons to start

Even thin women who have sagging can follow the diet, as it has several health benefits. Check out what this new method can do for you

1. Detona the fanny pack

By strengthening the body's cells, the diet of two days causes our body needs less insulin to function. It is that too much insulin "cut" blood sugar, turning it into fat that will accumulate mainly in the belly.

2. It protects against diabetes

At 25% reduction in insulin in the blood, the diet decreases the risk of developing diabetes.

3. Controls gluttony

When you are adapted to the new diet, the brain naturally stimulate the body to produce leptin, a hormone that reduces appetite and the desire to attack the refrigerator.

4. Increase the good mood

Be able to put on the plate of things that we like without feeling guilty and still get good results in the diet leaves no happy person.

5. Turbine metabolism

According proved researchers at the University of Illinois in the United States, people who followed the diet the two days correctly had higher metabolism than those who've chosen to classical regime a week.

6. Relieves Asthma

Study at the University of the State of Louisiana, also in the United States, showed that in addition to weight loss, the diet of two days improves respiratory conditions asthma sufferers.

7. Protect the body of breast cancer

Calorie restriction causes breast cancer cells become more stable and less likely to divide and develop tumors. Research indicates that diet can also reduce by 40% (almost half!) Hormone levels related to the disease.

Extra care diet during the period

Scientists believe that 650 calories daily enough to follow the diet for two consecutive days. They recommend:

· Take tea.
· Use sweeteners.
· Eat herbs.
· Take lemon juice.
· Investing in vinegar.
· Drink as much water as you can per day.

Exclusive menu

Check out the menu prepared by the nutritionist Ana Paula Mendonça - not just forget to follow him twice a week, on consecutive days (eg, Monday and Tuesday)


· 1 nonfat plain yogurt
· 1 apple
· 2 col. (Soup) rolled oats

· 1 glass of lemonade

· Watercress salad with 2 slices of onion and cucumber 2
· 1 grilled chicken fillet
· 2 col. (Soup) of mashed cassava
· Braised cabbage

Afternoon snack
· 1 baked apple with cinnamon

· Omelette made with only the egg whites with 1 medium slice of white cheese
· Broccoli salad with cauliflower

· 1 cup gelatin diet


· 1 slice of bread
· 1 col. (Packed) light cream cheese
· 1 watermelon juice

· 1 cup of hibiscus tea
· 1 sesame barrinha

· American lettuce salad with 2 thin slices of tomato and three palm units
· 1 grilled fish fillet
· 2 col. (Soup) of brown rice
· 2 col. (Soup) of pumpkin puree

Afternoon snack
· 1 peach

· Arugula and endive salad with grated carrots and 2 ½ col. (Soup) of sliced ​​mushrooms
· 1 roasted drumstick

· 1 unit fermented milk

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