4 lies about losing weight and burning calories you should stop believing

4 lies about losing weight and burning calories you should stop believing

It is not a secret to keep in shape takes hard work, exercising and eating healthy. While the goal is achievable, requires commitment, time, and will to achieve the desired results.
So says Jennifer Cohen, fitness expert and author of Strong is the new skinny, adding that surely will fail more than once, but you should try not to make missteps that can harm your health.
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So she told the truth after 4 biggest lies probably heard more than once about weight loss.
1. It's good to cut carbs
"To burn fat, you need to feed your body with enough calories to achieve ranges of high intensity exercise. Without this fuel (ie carbohydrates), the tank is empty and finally all come to nothing. You'll feel like you're working hard, but your workouts will not be as long or effective as if you had fed properly, "he said.
2. The prolonged moderate exercise burns more fat than high intensity exercise shortly
In a session of moderate exercise, total calorie burn depends on the duration of training, but not much elevation in metabolic rate after this type of training. In contrast, in the high-intensity exercise, fat burning can be extended even for a day.
3. It is best to cut 500 calories a day
Humans are made to survive and therefore, when calories are severely restricted suddenly, the body goes into survival mode, slowing the metabolic rate and causes your body to hold on to every calorie says Cohen.
Consume fewer calories per day prompts the body to retain the "fuel." If you cut only 300 calories from your daily diet, you will lose more weight than if you reduce 500. In addition, as mentioned above, if your idea is to train harder this only consuming calories you get further help you to boost your metabolic rate.
4. Do not eat any carbs after 18:00
All foods contain calories independent of time that you eat them and the truth is that eating too many will undoubtedly gain weight.
A study of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, published in Science Daily, said that overweight people who ate carbohydrates in moderation at dinner, lost more weight and fat in addition to experience less hungry during the day. The researchers noted that those who were fed well in the afternoon they had higher levels of hormones that regulate satiety and hunger.
The explanation may also be in the production of growth hormone, which is a powerful hormone that controls the amount of fat your body burns.

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