10 incredible reasons why you're not losing weight

10 incredible reasons why you're not losing weight .
trying to lose weight.

Many claim that weight loss is just a matter of eating less and exercising more. Right? Well, maybe not quite. Recent studies suggest that weight gain and obesity is not only caused by genetic predisposition, diet and physical activity, but also by various external factors. 

Then 10 incredible reasons why you're not losing weight. 

1 You're not sleeping enough 

Lack of sleep can be an obstacle to achieving the ideal weight. Sleep deprivation slows metabolism and affects hunger hormones such as leptin and ghrelin. 

Leptin is one that tells the brain when to stop eating, while ghrelin (produced in the stomach) stimulates hunger. New studies claim that inadequate sleep is associated with low levels of leptin and high ghrelin. In other words, weight gain. 

The solution put forces in creating a good sleep routine, sleep early and avoid artificial roads such as pills, cigarettes and alcohol to "relax." 

Consumes 2 hidden sugars 

Hidden sugars are found everywhere. The most culpable in energy bars, cereals, sports drinks, sauces and spreads (even some brands of peanut butter). 

Of course, bad for your diet, but much worse in the long term, it contributes to tooth decay, diabetes, heart disease. 

The solution, pay close attention to the labels and avoid products high in refined sugar. It may appear as corn syrup, sucrose, malt, sugar, honey, fructose, maltose, or concentrated fruit juice. 

3 Accounts calories, not nutrients 

Since then, portions should be smaller when you lose weight. However, there is such an obsession with calorie control that we often forget the most important part of a diet, nutrients. 

The solution, as thinking. Not be based on calories, but also choose nutritious foods and grant vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to our body. 

4.'s absorbing environmental estrogens 

Also known as xenoestrogens, these synthetic chemicals found in plastics, fertilizers, detergents and cosmetics. It is believed that they can mimic the biological hormone (estrogen). The excess estrogen can result in weight gain in both men and women. 

The solution, drink bottles and containers of plastic rather than glass. And as far as possible, eat organic products. 

5. spend much time sitting 

Sedentary work and current lifestyle is far from what our ancestors lived. You may believe that there is no time to exercise, but the reality is that there is no interest in doing. 

Studies ensures that active people burn more calories per day, as simple as crossing your legs and straighten repeatedly or stretching, standing each time interval and even maintain good posture activities. 

The goal, set in motion the body (at least every 30 minutes) out of your hibernation. 

6. not you long to cook 

The combination of a hectic lifestyle and fast food to reach us further away from the kitchen. A packed breakfast and junk meals are the worst enemy of our ideal weight. 

What challenge us to cook at least once a week? It can be a healthy meal 20 minutes and maybe that day, we can make a couple of extra portions and freeze for later. 

7 You are dealing with a hormonal condition 

Hormonal disorders such as hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance can cause weight gain or make it very difficult to lose. 

The solution, consult a trusted doctor and undergo the necessary tests. If you suffer from a hormonal condition can be treated. It will also be necessary to exclude refined carbohydrates and increase healthy proteins, vegetables, seaweed and essential fatty acids. 

8're not eating enough healthy fats 

For decades, meal plans enemies became fat. And believe it or not, since the arrival of the products "low fat" (low fat) obesity has been increasing. 
The solution, withdraw notoriety fats, particularly good and included in our daily regimen. Mainly essential in flaxseed oil, fish oil, nuts and seeds, which not only help you feel full, but also facilitate the breakdown of fatty acids bad fats. 

9 believe in food advertising 

Advertising on processed foods is often confusing. A product may say "source of calcium" or "no artificial colors" and still be saturated with sugar. 

The solution, take the time to read the label well. If sugar is among the first three ingredients and no chemical substitutes including not buy that product. 

10 Your body has set a limit 

Limit point theory states that our body is programmed for a particular weight and therefore struggle to stay in it. That could explain why calorie restriction is usually not create long-term effects. 

The solution, steady weight loss through a balanced diet and exercise. Nothing ends plans. Losing a kilo a week, will help our body to adapt and accept that this is your new limit."load more threads" link at the bottom
10 incredible reasons why you're not losing weight .

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