
To lose 6 kilos in a month?

To lose 6 kilos in a month? 
There are no quick fixes or magic foods diet. There is only one system that serves it is to eat less and rationally.

We also have to accompany this with physical exercise to burn calories. Otherwise the lost kilos recover soon.

Diets, usually only remove more liquid from body fat. Therefore it is convenient to change eating habits to ensure a healthier lifestyle. There are many slimming regimes but they all need a base to reach fruition. Here are twenty basic diet tips to get your entire order.


1_The diet should be varied. Do not forget any food group. The power must be balanced. The rule is to not abuse the amount of high calorie and unhealthy foods.

2_The system should be smooth. Diets that promise rapid loss of many kilos a week, eventually produce health problems and recover lost kilos. The healthiest thing is to lose between half and one kilo weekly.

3_Divide meals into five daily doses. No skipping an important meal. Two meals must be consistent and three lighter.

4_Breakfast must be strong. Best breakfast contributes between 20 and 25% of daily energy intake.

5_There have dinner soon. At least two hours before bedtime. At night your metabolism slows down and food accumulate as fat more easily.

6_Water is fundamental. You have to drink a lot, about two liters a day. Water keeps the line because it has no calories.

7_Cooking fair. This is very important. Rations must be weighed. Leftovers are a dangerous temptation.

8_Salt should disappear. Just a little. You eat the same foods without salt lose weight and gain health. Unchanged volume lost power.

9_Use olive oil meals. A tablespoonful not provide calories and helps you stay healthy for their monounsaturated fatty acids.

10_The amount of food ingested must be lower. To lose weight you must reduce the number of daily calories.

11 Fats are enemies of the diet. They provide too many calories. Therefore it is recommended steamed, grilled and use the microwave. Natural food is also healthier and better maintains the vitamins and minerals from food.

12_Food is a pleasure. You have to enjoy eating. The diet should not be torture. Thus positive menus vary. A diet that causes suffering is not a good diet.

13_Do not obsess with the scale. Once weekly should be weighed naked and fasting. Losing weight is a progressive achievement.

14_No snacking. Do between meals all you get is to store fat and pulls for all the efforts to meet the diet. If you can not avoid it, it is best to eat pieces of fruit, low-fat yogurt ... calming hunger without consuming calories.

15_Limit consumption of alcohol. Liqueurs have enough calories. Avoid ingestion, especially after eating.

16_Chew food quietly. Eating slowly makes food taste better and also get you to eat less. The body reacts with satiety signals twenty minutes to start eating. Thus, ingested just enough.

17_Sport is essential. Exercise always removes fat and burn calories. Also tones the body. It is a health guarantee.

18_We must analyze the sensations. Sometimes you eat for being depressed, overwhelmed ... The food is usually converted into an emotional substitute and eat without hunger.

19_Slimming, why? By choice. The decision to lose weight is a personal choice and not transferable.

20_The advice of a nutritionist helps marked realistic goals. It will continue the evolution of the diet.

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