
7 tips to lose weight without "rebound effect"

7 tips to lose weight without "rebound effect" 

After the New Year holidays, and after celebrating family with great feasts, many people resolve to start taking care of your body through healthy eating and exercise. 


1. Ponte realistic goals. 

Although a diet when you start looking most rapid, it is best to set realistic goals. 

Do not expect to lose 5 kilos are in a week and have a more slender body immediately, "Remember that a healthy weight has more benefits than just look delegate" indicated. 

In this regard, experts stated that page ideally follow an appropriate plan for your needs. If you have questions about this, feel free to visit a nutritionist. 

2. Avoid crash diets. 

It is recommended that people ingest foods from all the food groups in the right measure, instead of depriving yourself of some. 

Therefore strict diets are not recommended because restricting food intake can cause side effects that in the worst cases, can cause hair loss, nervousness, stress and risk of eating disorders. 

3. think "less is more". 

According to Page, "The key to a good diet is to eat small amounts of all foods, but often." So, you contribute to accelerating your metabolism. 

4.-Control your weight. 

Ideally, people should lose weight slowly to stay thin for longer. 

This period will also allow you to acquire healthy habits that will improve your quality of life, rather than go hungry for a strict diet and then binge sin with. 

5. Exercise. 

While many struggle to find the time, or inclination, to exercise, it is a key complement to the time to lose weight. 

If a healthy diet you add exercise, you will achieve more kilos to lose and claim your body. 

6.-Do not beat! 

To lose weight in a healthy way, you should avoid whine about every food you eat off the diet. 

"Eliminate feelings of guilt, that all they produce in you are defeating thoughts that make you see that losing weight is impossible," said Health 180. 

Only then will you begin to have a healthier relationship with food. 

Put your eye 7.- emotions. 

According to the comments of Health 180, "The mind is very powerful and maybe your main opponent to lose weight." 

This, because if you're bored or stressed you are likely to leave the diet and ingest in excess sweets and junk food, gaining weight in unwanted parts like the abdomen. 

This was said health metaphysics consulted by page, Martha Sanchez Navarro, who explained the importance of emotions to mealtime. 

Finally, from 180 Health indicated that weight loss is not only to reduce kilos on the scales, but the most important thing is to have a healthy relationship with food, as bad habits and emotions affect our weight. If you follow these recommendations, "soon notice results in your size, but especially in your emotional health," they concluded.

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