Lose Weight in 7 days with lemon

Lose Weight in 7 days with lemon

How is it that Heidi Klum and Jennifer Aniston are kept thin and retain a healthy glow? Apparently, these beautiful celebrities betting on weight loss diet wearing a lemon, one of the simplest and most effective diets.
Lose weight with lemon can have amazing effects, so if you want to increase your vitality, eliminate toxins, remove excess fat and increase your brilliance, go for it.

Here is our plan to lose weight in 7 days with lemon, with full menus including this citrus, recipes and daily goals. All it takes is 7 days on the diet with lemon to cleanse your body, recharge and drop a dress size of your jeans.

Want to lose weight in 7 days with lemon? Here are the steps every day that you must take to meet the target.

How to lose weight in 7 days with lemon
 Before you start to lose weight with lemon - Need a detox
To lose weight, take a day detox to cleanse your system.

Before you begin your diet really, you have to free your body of toxins that are hindering and launch your digestive system. This does not mean you should fast. Starving puts your body in a state of deprivation, rather than being cleaned, actually makes your body produce more waste.

So take a whole day eating many natural foods, foods that help the detoxification process, besides water to help the draining process and eliminate toxins.

Boosts the cleaning drinking glasses of lemonade at room temperature throughout the day. No coffee or alcohol.

How to make lemonade?
1-1½ Lemons - squeezed (2 tablespoons lemon juice)
300 ml of filtered water
2 Value teaspoon organic maple syrup (or cinnamon stick if you prefer)
Pinch of cayenne pepper.
To make your lemonade, mix 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, 300ml filtered water and 2 teaspoons of quality (grade B) of organic maple syrup or a cinnamon stick and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Also in addition to the lemonade you can drink herbal tea or fruit and homemade vegetable soup.

Vegetable soup homemade detox

1 carrot, chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
½ onion, chopped
4 radishes,
1 handful of peas
½ chopped fennel
Chop all the vegetables into small pieces. Add the carrots, celery and onion in a medium saucepan with boiling water. After 5 minutes, add the radishes, peas and fennel.
Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes and serve.

At the end of your day detox, you will feel light and full of energy, and you've lost 500g to 1kg (depending on your weight and body shape).

Daily diet to lose weight in 7 days with lemon
First day - Detox Menu
Drink waking (7:30)
Glass with lemonade (recipe above).

Breakfast (30 minutes after waking up)
Fruit salad (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries).
An apple, a pear, an organic yogurt and a handful of organic unsalted almonds.

By midmorning
A glass of lemonade.
A banana.
A handful of sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.

Lunch or dinner
Beans or lentils salad with lemon, vinegar dressing apple cider with extra virgin olive oil.

Glass of lemonade.
A portion of crudités (cucumber, radishes and celery) or a handful of nuts.

Grilled fish with lemon juice.
Steamed vegetables.

1 hour before bedtime
Glass of warm lemonade or hot

Second day - Fire up your digestive system
The purpose of this day is to drink plenty lemonade, from the moment you wake up until just before bedtime. Like water, the lemon is excellent in jump-start your digestive system, helping bowel movements and elimination of toxins. It is also a natural appetite suppressant.

How will you do this lemonade this day: As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon and warm water. For the rest of the day, focus on hydration. Bring a water bottle with you if you help with your 6 glasses of water in it. Try to drink between meals to help suppress the appetite.

Drink waking
Lemon juice and warm water.

Bowl of fruit salad, natural organic yogurt without sugar and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
Organic milk or almond 300ml.

8 unsalted almonds.
Glass of fresh fruit juice diluted with water.

Lunch or dinner
Organic vegetable soup homemade
Sandwich with organic bread with low fat cheese and sprouts.

Two homemade oatmeal cookies
Cherry tomatoes and a spoonful of cottage cheese.

Grilled fish, chicken (free range) or tempeh with lemon sauce and olive oil (3 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and half a clove of garlic).
Green leafy vegetables sauteed in a wok with 1 tsp sesame seeds.
Peaches and cooked cinnamon.
Warm water with lemon juice.

Third day - Objective of this day: burn fat
You'll use the power to burn fat with vitamin C on your side. Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrient for burning fat and weight loss. Mainly found in fruits and vegetables, which become the best allies slimming low calorie high fiber as elkiwi (80 mg / 100 g), vegetables cabbage (57 mg in red cabbage and califlor 50mg), citrus (52 mg of lemon and orange and grapefruit 37 mg), pepper (average 160 mg), watercress (60 mg), herbs (chervil 37 mg, 200 mg in parsley and chives in 60mg).

With your lemon drink in the morning, eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. To achieve your goal, mix fruit with organic whole grains, fruits and use frozen or canned vegetables, and eat nuts and crudités (raw vegetables range of cut and served with garnishes) if you are hungry.

Drink waking
Lemon juice and warm water.

1 poached egg.
2 slices of whole wheat toast with a thin spread of organic butter and 1 grilled tomato.
1 block.
300ml of almond milk or rice.

2 apricots / fresh or dried apricots.
Peanut / unsalted peanuts.
Watercress juice, apple and lemon.

Lunch or dinner
3 tablespoons each: beans, chick peas and mixed with tomato and green pepper with lemon juice dressing beans.
1 piece of bread.
1 large bowl of green salad with chives.
1 kiwi.

1 pancake oatmeal, cottage cheese and strawberries.

Mixed vegetables (tomatoes, chickpeas, spinach, potatoes, raisins and whole grain rice).
Banana grilled black with 2 ounces of melted chocolate.

Fourth day - Regulates your blood sugar levels in the blood.
Regulate blood sugar is one of the best ways to lose weight. If you're too low or too high blood sugar, the more likely you'll console eat and store sugar you eat as fat. First, spray your meals with 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice, or mixture of lemon juice and lemon zest in your dish. As vinegar, lemon helps to break down the sugar gradually into the bloodstream.

To keep blood sugar under control:

Eat protein at every meal (protein slows the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats).
Eat at regular intervals.
Do not skip breakfast.
Opt for low-GI foods whenever you can (rice, bread and brown beans), and high-fiber foods (fruits, vegetables and all things whole grain).
Drink waking
Lemon juice and warm water.

Raspberry and 2 teaspoons mixed with 300 ml oat milk and almond strawberries.

Fruit salad with lemon juice.
300ml of almond milk.

Lunch or dinner
Salad, beans / dry beans (red, Peruvian or dried beans).
Piece of bread with a thin spread of organic butter.
Plain yogurt.

1 teaspoon sunflower seeds.
Small bunch of grapes.

Salmon fillet with lemon juice, baked with a great mix of steamed vegetables
Small scoop of vegan chocolate with chopped walnuts

Fifth day - day of eating less sugar.
Sugar stimulates insulin production and increases appetite calorie foods such as chocolate, biscuits and sweets. It also encourages the accumulation of fat and makes the liver work harder interrupting the digestive process. If you have a hit of sugar, do not have to bog on the cake: opt for low GI carbohydrates instead, like a slice of bread, rice cakes or oatmeal cookies.

Remember that processed foods have the same effect as sugar in the body, therefore, avoid them. Fruits are also high in sugar, so eating some nuts, almonds or a few seeds with your fruit to minimize the effects. And sweeteners tend to make you crave sugar, so opt for maple syrup or honey instead: may contain more calories, but are healthier.

Banana Smoothie (mix almond milk 300ml, 1 plain yogurt, 2 small bananas and raisins 1 teaspoon good quality)
2 slices of whole wheat toast with a thin spread of butter.

Seeds and nuts.

Potatoes and a small portion of beans / beans.
Large vegetable salad with a pinch of grated low-fat cheese.
1 pear or peach.

Vegetables with homemade hummus (chickpeas, lemon, tahini and garlic).

Stuffed pepper: mix 4 tablespoons whole basmati rice, 2 tablespoons pine nuts, chopped chives, cherry tomatoes and 60g feta cheese or vegan together. Chop a pepper in half, fill and serve with a large portion of steamed vegetables.
Baked apple sprinkled with cinnamon and a dash of maple syrup or honey.

Sixth day - do not neglect your needs fat.
The fat can be high in calories (1g of fat contains 9 kcal), but it is essential for the body. As proof, we get 25% of daily calories from fat. A very low fat diet can cause mood swings, skin problems, joint pain and even weight gain. If you eat good fats, you're really going to lose weight because healthy fat slows the passage of blood sugar.

Ideally, 20-25% of our diet should consist of good fat, ie, essential fatty acids (nuts, seeds, oily fish, canola oil and walnut oil, avocados) and monounsaturated fats (oil olive extra) virgin. Reduced intake rates less healthy fats (found in pasteurized dairy products, margarine and flesh) to a minimum. Eating fatty fish at least twice a week, and eat a few nuts and (seeds almonds, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin and flax seeds) with every bite.

Drink waking
Lemon juice and warm water.

A boiled egg and sliced ​​tomato on a slice of rye bread.
Half a dozen raspberries.

A handful of nuts.
Rice milk 300ml.

Cucumber and salmon on toast.
A yogurt.

1 peach.
1 handful of grape seeds.
1 handful of sunflower seeds.

Pasta with tuna and sweet corn kernels: Mix 6 tablespoons cooked whole wheat pasta, tuna, 2 tablespoons sweet corn kernels and a handful of chopped broccoli or tomatoes. Serve hot with steamed vegetables and lemon juice. If you do not eat tuna, you can supplement it with these recipes.
The pureed fruit and nuts.

Seventh: eating natural foods
This day is to eat natural foods. This day we will go with whole grains. Whole grains, whole wheat and whole grain foods are rich in nutrients that are essential for health and weight loss: fiber, vitamins and minerals. They contain hidden sugars or artificial substances that hinder digestion, liver overload and stop burning fat.
Cut out all refined processed food in any form. Eat only whole grain or whole wheat pasta, brown rice, bread and cereals. If you are gluten intolerant, try to just go with whole grains that do not contain it.
Make your own juice, soup and mashed with fresh produce, and eat organic if you can (organic products contain little or no chemicals).

Drink waking
Lemon juice and warm water.

A plate of fresh fruit salad.
A plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal.
300ml of almond milk.

1 nectarine.
A handful of nuts and seeds.

An avocado / small avocado.
Green salad with lemon juice, olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.
An Apple.

A slice of toasted bread sprinkled with grated cheese.

Organic tortilla made with 2 eggs, chopped mushrooms, 3 tablespoons grated low-fat cheese. Steamed vegetables.
A small banana.
Some strawberries.

Seventh day - be good to your digestive system
On the last day of your diet, focus on helping your digestive system. Poor digestion deprives the body of essential nutrients needed for metabolism and weight loss.
First, chewing each bite slowly, covering your food with saliva to begin the process of digestion. Eat in moderation, at regular times, taking your time, and watch what you eat when you are very tired (mentally or physically).
Take a break before dessert, eating in front of the television and not having long conversations after dinner - get up from the table.
Asegúrete to do regular exercise to improve your digestion and keep you regular.

Drink waking
Lemon juice and warm water.

Whole wheat cereal with fresh fruit, seeds and organic milk
Glass of fresh apple juice diluted with water

Small bowl of guacamole with carrot sticks
Almond milk 300ml

Vegetarian Pizza: cut a slice of bread sliced ​​10 cm long. Top with tomato sauce, chopped mushrooms and green pepper, 1 tablespoon of sweet corn kernels and a small piece of mozzarella, sliced. Bake and serve.

Fruit salad sprinkled with sunflower seeds

Risotto (chicken breast, rice, grated cheese, lemon juice, tomato puree)
Salad of berries

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