
Learn the causes and consequences of obesity

Obesity is a health situation currently affecting all ages, in a society where sadly we see that education and health are two businesses that grow the more fail.
Our children, young adults and seniors we auto victimizamos of reality, but without them we change ourselves come first.
Although obesity has always existed, it is a disease that is becoming more and more, the lack of knowledge, by which the people perish.
Obesity, in simple definition is weight gain in your weight / height and height / age. So, is the cumulus fat or adipose tissue in your body.
Learn the causes and consequences of obesity

There are several causes, among which we have the heritage, quality of life, physical inactivity and undernutrition, ie, absence of good nutritional discipline.
Other factors contributing triggers are stress, hormonal disorders, ie endocrine, nervous disorders, metabolic problems, anxiety, and lack of physical activity, among others.
In this disease it is necessary to take into account the age and race, since overweight is more common in than others. In women obesity is more common in men. Quality of life, lack of personal stewardship, etc.
Obesity is a disorder of various origins, which is not new and has always existed. The difference is that with technological advances, scientists and the media, more is known about it.
It has become a problem that seems to worsen every day and very little is being done to reduce it, as this is directly linked to the nutritional habits and lack of physical activity.
Currently we live to eat not eat to live.

Consequences of obesity

  .cardiovascular Disorders
  .Low self-esteem
  .Sleep disorders, sexual, and in some cases the behavior is affected.
  .Other causes of obesity are associated with some cancers, the most     common: endometrial, breast and colon.
Your body mass index, is what determines whether you are in risk of overweight in obesity.

Note: your health and salvation are your responsibility.

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How to lose 5 kg in 10 days

How to lose 5 kg in 10 day
Lose weight and burn fat belly dela healthy
Herbal five kilos in 10 days: 1500 calorie diet
Although it is a very short period of time, lose 5 kilos in 10 days can be achieved simply by modifying the diet. Carbohydrates, saturated fats and calories will have to be reduced significantly, to lose 5 kilos in 3 days. These foods should be replaced by alternative low in fat and high in protein. In order to lose weight quickly, it is essential not to consume more than 1,500 calories per day.
Replace starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, white rice and pasta, with low glycemic options. Beans and rice are good substitutes for starchy carbohydrates.
Fill your diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat healthy foods like apples and carrots instead of candy or chips. This will keep you feeling full without adding too many calories to your diet.
Substitute your usual bowl of soup for lunch. Studies have shown that the soup can help you lose weight to keep the stomach satisfied for longer, reducing the desire to eat.
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Drink plenty of water. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to flush out toxins and help keep you feeling full.
Start your metabolism by eating a healthy breakfast. Fresh fruit, oatmeal or a slice of whole wheat toast, are excellent choices for a good breakfast.
With a diet of 1500 calories a day you will reduce to around half a kilo a day, if you include physical activity you should consume more calories to not suffer health problems.
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Diet USP does lose 15kg in 15 days

Diet USP does lose 15kg in 15 days

Success in the 90s, USP diet is sought today by Brazilians. The reason is simple: the method promises to slim down too much too soon, with a basically formed menu of eggs, ham and coffee.
Despite the name, the origin of this diet is doubtful and has been discussion of. The University of São Paulo itself does not confirm the fact that the menu has been prepared by its experts. But one thing is fact: who made sure that even lose weight.
At first, the diet should be followed for only 15 days. "If maintained for a longer time, the person may have kidney problems and heart problems," says dietitian Larissa Cohen, Space Stella Turret, in Rio de Janeiro.
One can not fail to take into account the side effects that the person may have in the diet, such as headache, constipation, bad breath, fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sleep, physical and emotional stress and, like all loss diets fast, the risk of getting fat all over again. Will you face it?
Thin waist x health
If the goal is to lose weight and the procedure is followed to the letter, it works, but with some caveats. "The weight loss is fast due to fluid loss, muscle and little fat. When a person achieve your goal and relax, that is, return to the usual food, you can not maintain that weight loss," says Larissa.
Healthy weight loss is one where we do not lose muscle mass or liquids, and yes, actual fat; It is one that does not allow slimming and becomes sacrifice pleasure over time.
The nutróloga Flavia Pine advises to always see a doctor before starting any diet with calorie restriction. "A lot of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol are silent," explains the expert.
First day
Breakfast: Black coffee without sugar, with sweetener
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs and herbs to be desired
Dinner: green salad with cucumber and celery at ease
Second day
Morning: Coffee with cream-cracker crakers
Lunch: 1 large steak with fruit salad to taste
Dinner: Ham at home
Third day
Morning: Coffee with cream-cracker crakers
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, green beans salad and 2 toast
Dinner: ham and salad
Fourth day
Morning: Coffee with cookie
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 carrot and cheese mines at ease
Dinner: Fruit salad and plain yogurt

Morning: raw carrot squeezed with lemon and black coffee
Lunch: Grilled chicken at home
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs with carrot
Sixth day
Morning: Coffee with cookie
Lunch: Fish fillet with tomato comfortable
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs with carrot

Seventh day
Morning: Coffee with lemon.
Lunch: Grilled steak and fruit cups.
Dinner: Eat what you want, less sweet and alcoholic beverages
Note about the diet of USP:
1 - Once you complete this series, start again from the first day to the seventh day. After 14 days you will have lost 14 kg. On the 15th day you can return to your eating habits.
2 - allowed Herbs: watercress, chicory, lettuce. You can drink water, coffee and tea all day.
3 - you should not replace the foods from the diet and not replace them time.

6 Home Remedies for Weight Loss More Effective

6 Home Remedies for Weight Loss More Effective

Some years ago, I decided to lose weight because I had some extra kilos that bothered me. And as I always interested by healthier alternatives, I researched and applied with great success several home remedies for weight loss.

Maintaining an ideal weight is not just a matter of looking better, but is directly related to feel and be healthy. Unfortunately, most generally cumula body fat in the abdomen, and this represents a huge risk for quite risky health conditions.

So if you also want to lose weight and reach a healthy and slim body, today I share with you three completely natural remedies so you can achieve your goal.

What home remedies for weight loss I recommend?
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6 Home Remedies for Weight Loss More Effective
  Click here.

9 tips to get you started to lose weight

9 tips to get you started to lose weight
Everyone always want to be thin to always wear a slender body and a flat stomach. However, for this it requires a certain discipline in our food. Therefore, here are some tips you should go about your meals so that you succeed.read more link at the bottom
9 tips to get you started to lose weight
  Click here.


Forget about these 3 myths if you want to lose weight

Forget about these 3 myths if you want to lose weight
You've tried every diet and no work, you got tired of miraculous promises that were never fulfilled and no longer know what to do to lose those pounds or kilos of more that do not let you feel comfortable at home or see you in the mirror? Then this article is for you. Here are some tips to lose weight, and the myths we tell you to forget if you are looking for effective results.

Mariela all the steps that told diet (Atkins type) promised to rid it of up to 15 pounds (7 kilos) in the first two weeks: he forgot carbohydrates (sugars) and began eating more protein as meat, fish, egg and cheese. Then he began to gradually add carbohydrates. But it did not.

For his part, Carlos followed a diet that also promised great results: first he must eat all the protein you want, without limit; then add vegetables, in a third time, had to incorporate fruit, cheese and bread, and finally I could eat whatever I wanted. All this, as long as keep one day of its exclusive diet to eat protein and remember to take 3 teaspoons of wheat bran daily. He did, however, all it did was sacrifice for over a month and lose the water that held her body (not fat), which initially appeared to be a real loss of weight but the pounds or kilos back quickly as soon He left the diet.read more link at the bottom
Forget about these 3 myths if you want to lose weight
  Click here.

5 things you must do before sleep to lose weight

5 things you must do before sleep to lose weight
There are things a person should do before sleeping, since the help you lose weight and everyone knows it.

Few people know that while sleeping, can also lose weight and this is because our metabolism is always running. Therefore, here we say five things a person must do before going to sleep to get the ideal weight.

1. Do not miss having dinner:

Many people think that dinner will not help you lose weight, high totally false. Actually, no dinner at night are equivalent to 10 hours during which our body does not receive any nutrients.

2. Cena something nutritious:

Most people know that dinner should be light and balanced, which means it must contain protein, fiber, vitamins and even rich carbohydrates.

3. Half an hour of walk:

After dinner we recommend to people who go for a walk, to relax and keep your metabolism active. Also, this tour will help you release tension and stress that can lead you routine.

Be sure to read: Losing weight: 5 foods that help you achieve

4. Take a bath:

After a short ride, we recommend taking a bath to relejar body muscles and detoxify.

5. Prepare for reconciling a good sleep

Few people know that sleep appropriate hours and do it the right way helps them lose weight, this because during the night, our lymphatic system performs important tasks of purification of toxins.


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