Diet USP does lose 15kg in 15 days

Diet USP does lose 15kg in 15 days

Success in the 90s, USP diet is sought today by Brazilians. The reason is simple: the method promises to slim down too much too soon, with a basically formed menu of eggs, ham and coffee.
Despite the name, the origin of this diet is doubtful and has been discussion of. The University of São Paulo itself does not confirm the fact that the menu has been prepared by its experts. But one thing is fact: who made sure that even lose weight.
At first, the diet should be followed for only 15 days. "If maintained for a longer time, the person may have kidney problems and heart problems," says dietitian Larissa Cohen, Space Stella Turret, in Rio de Janeiro.
One can not fail to take into account the side effects that the person may have in the diet, such as headache, constipation, bad breath, fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sleep, physical and emotional stress and, like all loss diets fast, the risk of getting fat all over again. Will you face it?
Thin waist x health
If the goal is to lose weight and the procedure is followed to the letter, it works, but with some caveats. "The weight loss is fast due to fluid loss, muscle and little fat. When a person achieve your goal and relax, that is, return to the usual food, you can not maintain that weight loss," says Larissa.
Healthy weight loss is one where we do not lose muscle mass or liquids, and yes, actual fat; It is one that does not allow slimming and becomes sacrifice pleasure over time.
The nutróloga Flavia Pine advises to always see a doctor before starting any diet with calorie restriction. "A lot of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol are silent," explains the expert.
First day
Breakfast: Black coffee without sugar, with sweetener
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs and herbs to be desired
Dinner: green salad with cucumber and celery at ease
Second day
Morning: Coffee with cream-cracker crakers
Lunch: 1 large steak with fruit salad to taste
Dinner: Ham at home
Third day
Morning: Coffee with cream-cracker crakers
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, green beans salad and 2 toast
Dinner: ham and salad
Fourth day
Morning: Coffee with cookie
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 carrot and cheese mines at ease
Dinner: Fruit salad and plain yogurt

Morning: raw carrot squeezed with lemon and black coffee
Lunch: Grilled chicken at home
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs with carrot
Sixth day
Morning: Coffee with cookie
Lunch: Fish fillet with tomato comfortable
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs with carrot

Seventh day
Morning: Coffee with lemon.
Lunch: Grilled steak and fruit cups.
Dinner: Eat what you want, less sweet and alcoholic beverages
Note about the diet of USP:
1 - Once you complete this series, start again from the first day to the seventh day. After 14 days you will have lost 14 kg. On the 15th day you can return to your eating habits.
2 - allowed Herbs: watercress, chicory, lettuce. You can drink water, coffee and tea all day.
3 - you should not replace the foods from the diet and not replace them time.



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