
Forget about these 3 myths if you want to lose weight

Forget about these 3 myths if you want to lose weight
You've tried every diet and no work, you got tired of miraculous promises that were never fulfilled and no longer know what to do to lose those pounds or kilos of more that do not let you feel comfortable at home or see you in the mirror? Then this article is for you. Here are some tips to lose weight, and the myths we tell you to forget if you are looking for effective results.

Mariela all the steps that told diet (Atkins type) promised to rid it of up to 15 pounds (7 kilos) in the first two weeks: he forgot carbohydrates (sugars) and began eating more protein as meat, fish, egg and cheese. Then he began to gradually add carbohydrates. But it did not.

For his part, Carlos followed a diet that also promised great results: first he must eat all the protein you want, without limit; then add vegetables, in a third time, had to incorporate fruit, cheese and bread, and finally I could eat whatever I wanted. All this, as long as keep one day of its exclusive diet to eat protein and remember to take 3 teaspoons of wheat bran daily. He did, however, all it did was sacrifice for over a month and lose the water that held her body (not fat), which initially appeared to be a real loss of weight but the pounds or kilos back quickly as soon He left the diet.read more link at the bottom
Forget about these 3 myths if you want to lose weight
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