Orange Diet Effective Method

Orange Diet Effective Method
Orange Diet is very pleasant and efficient way to help lose weight in a short time. Oranges is one of the most useful bit of fruit from citrus fruits, because contain significant amounts of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, nervous and circulatory. Calorie Orange Calla is only 47, so it is suitable for weight loss.

Orange Diet designed for one week, for whom it is possible to lose up to 3 kg. Cereral of 100 g loaf of bread with bran with an orange and bran; toast, 100 g of orange juice, eggs softly, a teaspoon of margarine; fifty grams of low fat content of cheese, toast, 4, 125 g of melon, two teaspoons of margarine ??. Lunch? teaspoon of honey, 150 g of lettuce and 50 g of salmon (kons.), 2 teaspoons low-fat mayonnaise, two slices of bread or toast, yogurt, about '65,

150 grams of bread and 150 g of lettuce, toast with one teaspoon of margarine, one orange; 50 gr Chadder, 150 g of boiled potatoes, a tomato, two teaspoons of margarine and cucumber; 50 g of sturgeon from beef, lettuce and vegetables with 75 g of sugar beet, 75 g of rice and oranges. Dinner 75g grilled liver, 75 grams of mushrooms, 125 g raspberries and two tablespoons of yogurt, garlic, 75 g, 75 g of beans (green); chicken, seasoned with pepper, one orange, 75 g of Brussels sprouts, broccoli, '75;

75 g or lamb pork grilled, boiled potatoes 75 g, with carrots and onions, 125 g yoghurt 100 g of pineapple. Orange diet and there is no other option. The duration is 3 weeks, during whose each lose from 4 to 8 pounds. However, before using this course, body weight loss should always consult a doctor. The daily dose in the first week of the diet consists of 1 kg oranges, 2 eggs and 2 liters of water.

These products should be divided into several meals. In the second week, every day we should eat 1 kg oranges, drink 2 liters of water and you can eat porridge without salt in practically unlimited quantities. The final stage of the third week of the diet, in which each day can have every kind of fruit and vegetables, not forgetting the constant 1 kg oranges. During the commemoration orange diet when the extra pounds disappear quickly, it is important to monitor the condition of the skin.
Also, do not forget about physical activity, even elementary morning exercises to keep the body toned. Important: before you sit on an orange diet consult a nutritionist. See also: Anti-Spam: Enter the sum of 1 + 8?

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