
Lower 1 kilo and a half in 3 days with the lemon diet

Lower 1 kilo and a half in 3 days with the lemon diet 

One of the most popular and simple diets is the lemon, make lemon juice in the morning is one of the best ways to lose weight because it removes toxins from our body and destroys the waste that is created in the digestive tract. 

Lemon juice also helps to maintain the balance between acidity and alkalinity in the stomach, and improves digestion and prevents allergies can swell the belly. To make matters worse constipation and also helps to increase the secretion of bile. 

If lemon juice shots at meals, helps reduce the glycemic which helps our body stay satiated longer, thus will help you lose weight. 

The lemon is not going to help you lose weight alone, it is recommended you do so with diet and exercises to get a better result, neither prevents fat stays in your body, what it does is break down the fat molecules. 


A simple diet that works very well is the lemon diet. 

Take the juice of a lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach, and then build a lemon per day until day 14, the day fifteen start subtracting 1 lemon per day until the day 1 (ie jacks 13, 12, 11, 10 lemons ... hata day 1) 

You will lose 500gms a day and a half kilo in just 3 days, 5 days if you do not see your results challenge you to forsake. 

Remember to take lemon juice with no sugar, no sugar or sweetener if you want to have a better outcome.

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