Why is it so hard to lose weight

why is it so hard to lose weight
Michelle Harvie and Tony Howell are on leaders of the revolutionary "diet for two days," enabling rapid weight loss. In the past we have explained what you need to do to achieve that objective.

However, as complicated (or even more) is maintained at the desired weight. In the extract diet 2 days (Today's) that follow the doctors tell us, in four steps, which we do not recover the lost kilos. 
Keep track of your weight is one of the keys to keeping the kilos at bay. If you notice the first signs that you are gaining weight, you can act quickly and reverse the trend. Weigh yourself every week, just as it did during the two-day diet, plus see how your clothes fit: a garment that is a bit tight you could be an indication that you are gaining some kilos. Do not fall into the temptation of cheating always wearing loose clothing such as a tracksuit or a leotard - as well you will not notice any change: the clothes fit anymore are the best indicators.
If you notice that you have left your clothes more fitted, weigh yourself. The weight can fluctuate 1-2 kilos, but if your weight increases by more than 2 kilos or 3 percent of your total weight, it is a warning sign that tells you that you must resume the diet and exercise plan . 

Do not lose motivation 

Do not forget the reasons that led you to want to lose weight and remind yourself how far you've come. At the beginning of the diet of the two days you have marked a number of objectives and would be very good idea to mark you a clear set of purposes to keep the weight off. You may want to keep the weight because in a few weeks you'll have to go to a social event, like a wedding, a party or a holiday. 

We have already mentioned how you can use pictures of "before" go on a diet to motivate you to keep on track when you lose weight. You can also use pictures of "before" and "after" go on a diet to remind you all that you have achieved through hard work you've done and use them as an incentive to keep the weight off. Clothes in now you fit, that you could not put prior to the diet, are also a great way to remind you how far you've come. 

The rewards for reaching your goal-and for following your diet plan and exercises-are even more important when it comes to keeping the weight when you wanted to lose weight, as they now do not feel the immediate excitement of seeing the kilos you deleted. Plan a reward for the end of each month that you've managed to keep the weight. In fact, considering how complicated it can be, you should probably reward you more to keep weight off than to lose it. 

Refine your braces 

In addition to reward yourself, know that nothing motivates like to receive the positive feedback and support from the people around you. This may not happen automatically and therefore you may need to seek help from your loved ones. Asks people who supported you as you tried to lose weight to continue giving you encouragement as you strive to maintain it. Explain that it is very important to you, that moment presents its own challenges. 

You should allow yourself to eat more freedom when you are in social situations, but you should compensate by eating less the days before and after 
Ask for their support to help you make the day a restricted diet for a week and follow a Mediterranean diet without restrictions during the remaining six days, in addition to regular exercise plan. Get others to recognize your accomplishments in keeping the weight off is as important as the support they gave you to lose weight during the months you were on a diet. 


The experience has provided you follow the diet of the two days will let you know what are the moments of greatest danger that can separate you from your good intentions in your diet and your exercise plan. Use the stress management strategies to avoid falling into the trap of eating to feel good and plan ahead social gatherings.

 You should allow yourself to eat more freedom when you are in some particular social gatherings, but you should compensate by eating less the days before and after the event. If there are times when you think you skipped the diet, you should not give up, but, on the contrary, you should learn from them to allow you to overcome the situation next time. 

There may also be long-term problems that interfere with your effort to maintain weight. For example, a busy time in which you have to work overtime at the office; the implementation of reforms at home, what makes you unable to use the kitchen; periods when you work outside the home and eat and sleep in hotels that can disrupt your healthy eating and your exercise routines. 
The good news is that you can usually see those moments lurking on the horizon and you can design your plan around them.

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